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KML and KMZ Center
Our nexus for KML and KMZ tools and info
Oct 11, 2024 by TRB / NeatoGeo

Anybody who is dealing with KML and KMZ files - and there are a lot of us - will be excited to see us launch our KML/KMZ nexus page. It describes every NeatoGeo tool that converts KML or converts KMZ to something else, provides links, and has a FAQ on the file format and how we deal with it. So far our tools include converting KML/KMZ to GeoJson, to Shapefile, and to GPX. We'll soon roll out tools that package up a KMZ file, or extract KML and its assets from a KMZ.

Anyone using a Garmin unit, Caltopo, GaiaGPS, Avenza, or others will find out tools handy - and even power users that normally have QGIS or Arc available will find our tools extra quick and convenient!

Check it out here.